
Hi, we are the Martin-Weber family and we have been called by God and appointed by Greater Europe Mission (GEM) to build the Kingdom of God in Paris, France.  Drawing from our experience in the arts as musicians, thespians, gallery curator, visual artists and writers, we look forward to being used by God to share Christ’s love with others by participating and developing relationships in the arts community of Paris.  Partnering with a faith based arts organization and center in Paris we also plan to assist the churches of France with their worship arts ministries from music to sound to outreach with the arts.  So why France?

Percentage of believers in the top 3 missionary fields by continent:

Africa: 20.39%
Asia: 5.5%
South America: 12.11%

How about Europe? It’s a staggering figure: 1.1%.  In the country of France specifically, it’s even less: 0.82%

Compare that to the 51% in the United States.

Some continents and countries stand out with obvious need for food, water, education and the Gospel.  Others are hidden behind the veil of materialism and influence.

Few countries in the world have had France’s global influence through the ages. For centuries, the Church provided the foundation of French society and to this day church buildings still hold the position of prominence in almost every city and village across the country.  Unfortunately, those buildings are little more than relics of a time and a faith long since past.  French Christians share that there has been a renewed interest in matters of faith even though there is a deep distrust of the Church.  Now is the time for a different approach to building the Kingdom of God in Europe and our family is blessed to be a part of the movement God is doing there.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

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